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Useful links for Parents

In this section, you will find some useful links regarding Special Education.

Set up to improve the delivery of education services to persons with special educational needs arising from disabilities with particular emphasis on children. 


Inclusion Ireland provides a central forum for its members to identify priorities and formulate nationally agreed policies to present to government, statutory bodies, other relevant groups as well as the general public.


The website of the Department of Education and Skills contains a great deal of information about the Irish Education System


We place the person with Down syndrome at the centre of everything we do. We recognise the value and uniqueness of every person with Down syndrome.


Ability Net is a UK site offering fact sheets and training related to Assistive Technology. It also has a nice ‘Quick Links’ feature.


Here you will find information, advice and free education resources addressing a range of internet safety issues and concerns


This is the Apple Macintosh site for all users with a disability

The range of services which Autism Ireland provides include raising awareness, information on education & intervention support, advocacy, counselling, home based support, research information and advice for families.


Parents play a key role in their children’s education. To find information on how you can support them, visit the ‘Information for Parents’ section on the NCCA website

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